Bad Debt

Denial Management

Increase Your Organization's Bad Debt Recovery

Managing bad debt and collections is a significant challenge facing healthcare providers today. Outstanding balances put strain on financial resources and can drastically affect the quality of care and services provided.


Our service delivery is grounded in dignity and respect. We take educational approach to patient collections, ensuring our highly-trained patient liability colleagues act as a compassionate extension of your facility to keep your reputation foremost when collecting on your behalf.


We maximize collections with automation and account prioritization to create efficiencies and accelerate cash flow. We listen to your patients’ needs by enhancing communication modes and ensuring ease of making payments through eCommerce solutions that mirror their retail experience. We also employ Patient Advocates, a specialized position unique to Savista, who are specially trained to provide special attention to escalated patient concerns.

Our Bad Debt Services:

  • Create a positive patient experience that safeguards patient satisfaction, builds loyalty and increases collections.
  • Provide dedicated resolution experts well versed in federal and state regulations to protect patients.
  • Deliver a digital-first approach to account resolution, meeting patients where they are.
  • Use a technology enabled workflow for account scoring and segmentation to maximize productivity.
  • Mitigate compliance risk by ensuring that regulatory and industry standards are met.
By the Numbers

average annual recoveries

Up to 20%

outperformance of competing vendor collections


patient complaints as a % of total calls

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