Denial Management

Don't Just Manage Denied Claims. Prevent Them.

How are you managing your denials today? Do you know where they're coming from? Do you have workflows in place to bring accounts to resolution?


Health care organizations often rank denial management as their number one pain point in the revenue cycle. Per a recent Kodiak Solutions survey, denials have increased 18% since 2020 and show no signs of stopping. The absence of a robust denial management program can lead to a significant impact on net patient revenue. Administrative denials are burdensome on healthcare organizations, but the primary area of revenue leakage are denials requiring clinical review. Many organizations are not set up to appropriately respond to a large volume of clinical denials related to medical necessity, level of care denials, DRG downgrades, or no authorization, just to name a few.


Savista has a dedicated team of clinicians and denial-focused follow up staff that can help hospitals navigate the complexities of all denials and drive additional net revenue. With flexible, cost-effective workforce options, Savista will work denied claims to resolution, including account evaluation, appeal creation, and follow up. Collecting additional revenue is priority number one, but Savista will also identify the root cause of denial issues and work with physicians and revenue cycle staff to plug the leaks.

Our Denials Management services:

  • Resolve clinical denials.
  • Identify and mitigate the root causes of denials.
  • Develop best practice operational processes to avoid denials.
  • Formulate strong clinical appeals.
  • Reduce AR days.
  • Train physicians and PFS staff to prevent denials.
By the Numbers

Southwestern Health System Client Results


recovered, $17M ahead of cash goal


clearance of backlogged accounts from active work queues

“Outsourcing was absolutely the right call, and I would recommend it to other organizations that have similar problems, if nothing more than to help identify what the root causes of the denials are to avoid them going forward.”

VP Revenue Cycle

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